Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Breed - Dandie Dinmont Terrier

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1 ) Scottish Deerhound by and signed "R Ward Binks" (1880-1950)
Scottish Deerhound by and signed "R Ward Binks" (1880-1950). SOLD

Paintings | Scottish Deerhound | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks |

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2 ) Labrador "Bolo" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950) SOLD
Labrador "Bolo" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)

Paintings | Retriever (Labrador) | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1923 |

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3 ) Lakeland Terrier / Welsh Terrier "Rum" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Pastel on paper of "Rum" Welsh Terrier by and signed "R Ward Binks" (1880-1950).

Paintings | Welsh Terrier | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks |

Click to see full size: Irish Terrier Manner of Reuben Ward Binks

4 ) Irish Terrier in the manner of Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Pastel on paper of Irish Terrier (Red - Wheaten). Manner of Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880-1950). Circa 1915. note, this is an early image for the breed for the Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers� was not a registered breed with the Irish Kennel Club until 1937, and 1943 in England.

Paintings | Irish Terrier | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1915 |

Click to see full size:    Aquatint etching

5 ) Aquatint etching "A Perfect Retrieve" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880 - 1950)
Aquatint etching of a Labrador "A Perfect Retrieve" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880 - 1950). Signed in pencil "Ward Binks" and titled in pencil "A Perfect Retrieve". Ward Binks aquatint etchings were published Arthur A Greatorex, 14 Grafton St., Bond St., London, this etching bears an additional oval embossed blindstamp, "Warwick Galleries Artist Proof". The Warwick Galleries were in Edgbaston, Birmingham English, circa 1940.

Paintings | Retriever (Golden) | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1940 |

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6 ) The English Setter "Pennine Patron" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950).
Gouache on paper of the Eggleston's English Setter "Pennine Patron" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950). Signed "R Ward Binks", dated "1927" and titled "Pennine Patron" . The Eggleston's The Eggleston's, father JT and son Arthur breed some of the greatest pointers of the day. Many of today's dogs contain their bloodlines. For example ""Broomhill Dan" had a great influence on the breed in the USA after being exported to that country by Mr J.T. Eggleston. (see Edmondson & Robertshaw, 1978, The Pointer) 'Tom Speedy' was another famous pointer sold to the American, R.C. Craig, (Cotton Exchange Building, New York City), and breed by J.T. Egglestone, on 28th March 1908. Tom Speedy was one of the pillars of the English stud book from the point of view of both work and looks. When exported to America he had a great influence on the American field trial stock. He had an exceptionally good nose and plenty of bird sense, but in America they were not too impressed so impressed with him, for they, as now, worked the Pointers differently. Whelped on the same day as 'Tom Speedy' was 'Mallwyd Polly' later sold to, T.Steadman. Another famous J T Eggleston dog was 'Pedigree of Lees's Lady' a bitch born in February 1922 Perhaps Arthur Eggleston's most famous dog Cruft winning dog was 'Pennine Prima Donna', bred by "Mr. D.K. Steadman bred this dog in January 1931 by "Marlais Marksman". "Prima Donna", which making her debut ... was immediately hailed by the judge, Major Harry Gunn, as a smasher of smashers, and from then on her career was the story of one magnificent triumph after another. She won over a score of challenge certificates. Crufts was never beaten by any Pointer in Britain. And with her Mr. Arthur Eggleston won what was perhaps the greatest honour ever to come the way of a Pointer in this country, best all breeds at Cruft's in 1935. Before that she had been best all breeds at other championship shows in Blackpool, Darlington, and Leeds. Though her career in America, to which she departed after her Cruft's success, was not one of similar unchallenged supremacy, principally because at the time there appeared to be decided differences in the type preferences of American and British judging, she yet became a champion there. She died, in the late part of 1938.

Paintings | English Setter | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1927 |

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7 ) Ducks by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Pen, ink and grisaille watercolour study of three Mallard ducks in flight across readed marsh lake by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950). Signed "WB" and titled "XMAS 1942". The work was the artist's study for his 1942 Christmas card.

Paintings | Farm Animal | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1942 |

Click to see full size: Pendant of the Pug, Jack of Hearts by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)

8 ) Pendant of the Pug, "Jack of Hearts" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Gold set pendant of the Pug, "Jack of Hearts" by Reuben Ward Binks. To the reverse titled and signed "Jack of Hearts R Ward Binks". Breeder and owner Mrs. D. Varian, "Jack of Hearts" born 14th October 1919 by Tzar of Moorfield- Shadunah.

Jewellery | Pug | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1922 |

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9 ) Bulldog "Eastmount White Nora" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Bulldog "Eastmount White Nora" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950). Signed and dated "R Ward Binks 1914". Binks famously illustratered the standard of the breed 'Bulldogdom' A.G. Sturgeon published 1920s

Paintings | Bulldog | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1914 |

Click to see full size: Enamel on porcelain portrait miniature of a King Charles Spaniel / English Toy Spaniel by Reuben Ward Binks

10 ) Enamel on porcelain portrait miniature of a King Charles Spaniel / English Toy Spaniel by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880-1950).
Enamel on porcelain portrait miniature of a head study of a ruby King Charles Spaniel / English Toy Spaniel, set in yellow metal pendant mount, by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950). Signed on the reverse. English, circa 1910.

Enamels | King Charles Cavalier Spaniel | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1910 |

Click to see full size: Enamel on porcelain portrait miniature of a Bull Terrier by Reuben Ward Binks

11 ) Enamel on porcelain portrait miniature of a Bull Terrier by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Enamel on porcelain portrait miniature of a head study of a Bull Terrier by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)in a gold metal pendant setting marked "718". To the reverse signed "RWB". English, circa 1910.

Enamels | Bull Terrier | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1910 |

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12 ) Springer Spaniel and puppies by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Springer Spaniel and puppies by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950), gouache on silk. English, circa 1934. Similar in style and composition to the painting of 'Giralda's Lola and Puppies' commissioned by Mrs Gelradine Rockfeller Dodge. But possibly the design for a pack of 'Boudoir Playing Cards' for which Binks produced a virtually identical image of West Highland Terriers and puppies titled "White West Higland".

Paintings | Spaniel (English Springer) | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1934 |

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13 ) Aquatint etching "The Red Setter" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880 - 1950)
Aquatint etching "The Red Setter" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880 - 1950). Signed in pencil "Ward Binks" and titled in pencil "The Red Setter", with personal dedication "Xmas 1939". Ward Binks aquatint etchings were published Arthur A Greatorex, 14 Grafton St., Bond St., London.

Paintings | Irish Setter (Red and White) | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1939 |

Click to see full size: Springer Spaniel puppies ?Just Arrived? etching by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950

14 ) Springer Spaniel puppies 'Just Arrived' etching by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950

Paintings | Spaniel (English Springer) | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1935 |

Click to see full size: Labrador etching by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950)

15 ) Labrador etching by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Dry-point etching of a Labrador retrieving a Mallard in reeded water by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950). Dedicated in pencil to the margin "To R Walker" and signed 'Ward Binks'. English, circa 1937

Paintings | Labrador | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks |

Click to see full size: English Setter etching by Ruben Ward Binks

16 ) English Setter etching by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Unpublished dry-point etching of a head and shoulders study of English Setter by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950). Signed in pencil to the margin "XMAS 1937" and "Ward Binks" English, circa 1937

Paintings | English Setter | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1937 |

Click to see full size: Thomas W Twyford Whitmore Labrador Retriever by Reuben Ward Binks

17 ) Thomas W Twyford Whitmore Labrador Retriever by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950) SOLD
Thomas W Twyford Whitmore Labrador Retrievers in watercolour with gouache of "Tulip of Whitmore" & "Typist of Whitmore". Signed and dated "Reuben Binks 1927" (1880-1950). SOLD.

Paintings | Labrador | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1927 |

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18 ) Gouache of the English Setter Champion Crossfell by Reuben Ward Binks (1880 - 1950)
Gouache of Mr C Atkinson's English Setter Champion Crossfell by Reuben Ward Binks (1880 - 1950)

Paintings | English Setter | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks |

Click to see full size: Aquatint etching a Gordon Setter Steady by Reuben Ward Binks

19 ) Aquatint etching a Gordon Setter "Steady" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880 - 1950)
Aquatint etching of a Gordon Setter "Steady" by Reuben Ward Binks (1880 - 1950). Signed in pencil "Ward Binks" and titled in pencil "Steady?. Ward Binks aquatint etchings were published Arthur A Greatorex, 14 Grafton St., Bond St., London. English, circa 1935.

Paintings | Gordon Setter | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1935 |

Click to see full size: Watercolour of a Pekingese by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950)

20 ) Watercolour of a Pekingese by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950)
Watercolour of a Pekingese by Ruben Ward Binks (1880-1950)

Paintings | Pekingese | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1910 |

Click to see full size: Watercolour of Wastwater and Great Gable by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880-1950)

21 ) Watercolour of Wastwater and Great Gable by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880-1950)
Watercolour on card of head of Wastwater and Great Gable by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950). The head of the Wasdale Valley is surrounded by some of the highest mountains in England, including Scafell Pike, Great Gable and Lingmell. Unsigned. Ward Binks is best known for his canine works but retained a studio in Appleby, Westmorland, where he much time in his beloved Lake District and eventually retired.

Paintings | Places | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks |

Click to see full size: Watercolour of Lake District village by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880-1950)

22 ) Watercolour of Lake District village by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880-1950)
Watercolour of a Lake District village by Reuben Ward Binks (1880-1950). Unsigned. Ward Binks is best known for his canine works but retained a studio in Appleby, Westmorland, where he much time in his beloved Lake District and eventually retired.

Paintings | Places | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks |

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23 ) Gouache of the English Setter "Sally of Crombie" by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880 - 1950)
A gouache of a standing English Setter in show stance, 'Sally of Crombie' by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880 - 1950). "Sally of Crombie" was born at the famous "The Of Crombie" "Gundogs" kennels of Professor L Turton Price, of 21 Windsor Street, Dundee, Scotland. Tuton Price was a highly successful breeder very keen on not just producing show dogs but dogs that must be fit for the field. Titled "Sally of Crombie" English, circa 1930

Paintings | English Setter | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1930 |

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24 ) Gouache of the English Setter "Minnie of Crombie" by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880 - 1950)
A gouache of a standing English Setter in show stance, "Minnie of Crombie" by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880 - 1950). "Minnie of Crombie" was born at the famous "The Of Crombie" "Gundogs" kennels of Professor L Turton Price, of 21 Windsor Street, Dundee, Scotland. Tuton Price was a highly successful breeder very keen on not just producing show dogs but dogs that must be fit for the field Signed "Ward Binks" and titled and dated "Minnie of Crombie, 1929" English, 1929

Paintings | English Setter | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1929 |

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25 ) Gouache of the English Setter "Bessie of Crombie" by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880 - 1950)
A gouache of a standing English Setter in show stance, "Bessie of Crombie" by Reuben Ward Binks (English, 1880 - 1950). "Bessie of Crombie" was born at the famous "The Of Crombie" "Gundogs" kennels of Professor L Turton Price, of 21 Windsor Street, Dundee, Scotland. Tuton Price was a highly successful breeder very keen on not just producing show dogs but dogs that must be fit for the field. Titled and dated "Bessie of Crombie, 1930" and signed "Ward Binks". English, 1930

Paintings | English Setter | Artist: Reuben Ward Binks | Yr: 1930 |


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1) Reuben Ward Binks - 20th Century | England


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