Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Artist - Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C.

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Click to see full size: Pen and ink on paper of a Bloodhound signed

1 ) Pen and ink on paper of a Bloodhound signed "Arthur Wardle 1918".
Pen and ink on paper of a Bloodhound signed "Arthur Wardle 1918". Similar in style and perhaps an unused drawing for "Show Dogs" by Theo Marples FZS which was illustrated by Arthur Wardle.

Paintings | Bloodhound | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1918 |

Click to see full size: Cairn Terrier by Arthur Wardle RI, RBC

2 ) Cairn Terrier by Arthur Wardle RI, RBC. (English, 1864-1969)
A gouache of a head and shoulders study of a brindle Cairn Terrier by Arthur Wardle RI, RBC. (English, 1864-1969). Signed bottom right "Arthur Wardle". The reverse bears gallery label for "The Horner Galleries THE CATHERAL CORNER 2, Church Street, Sheffield. Telephone 26214 Established 1886" with gallery ink inscription�Original Pastel Drawing by Arthur Wardle�. English circa 1910.

Paintings | Cairn Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1910 |

Click to see full size: An oil on canvas a Rough Collie by Arthur Wardle

3 ) An oil on canvas a Rough Collie by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (English 1864-1949) SOLD
An oil on canvas of an affectionate and loved Rough Collie seated in doorway on stone steps, by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (English, 1864-1949). Titled to the reverse, "My Lady's Companion" and further dedicated: 'With the Best Wishes/ for the future from A. Wardle' English, circa 1900

Paintings | Collie | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: Dachshunds by Arthur Wardle

4 ) Dachshunds by Arthur Wardle (1864 - 1949)
Dachshunds by Arthur Wardle (1864 - 1949). For a Series of Cigarrette Cards for "John Player & Son's". Oil on canvas.

Paintings | Dachshund | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. |

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5 ) Ink with heightening on paper of Belton English Setters by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949)
A ink drawing with white and orange heightening on buff paper of two Belton English Setters, standing in a grass moor, by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949). Signed bottom middle, in ink, “Arthur Wardle”. English, circa 1900.

Paintings | English Setter | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: Wire Fox Terrier oil painting by Aurthur Wardle (1864-1949)

6 ) Wire Fox Terrier oil painting by Aurthur Wardle (1864-1949)
Oil on canvas of Wired Haired Fox Terriers. Unsigned. Arthur Wardle (1864 - 1949). English, circa 1920’s.

Paintings | Fox Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1920 |

Click to see full size: Pastel on paper Irish Terriers by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949)

7 ) Pastel on paper Irish Terriers by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949)
Pastel on paper Irish Terriers by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949)

Paintings | Irish Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. |

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8 ) Ink with heightening on paper of an Irish Terrier by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949)
A ink drawing with on buff paper of a fine Irish Terrier, with red heightened coat, standing over a riding crop by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949). Signed bottom middle, in ink, “Arthur Wardle”. English, circa 1900.

Paintings | Irish Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1900 |

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9 ) Oil on board of a Pekingese by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (English, 1864-1949)
Oil on canvas of a fawn and white Pekingese seated on a luxuriant sofa by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (English, 1864-1949). Signed top right "Arthur Wardle". English, circa 1920

Paintings | Pekingese | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1920 |

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10 ) Ink with heightening on paper of English Pointers by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949)
A ink drawing with white heightening on buff paper of two English Pointers, one orange and white, standing in a grass moor, by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949). Signed bottom middle, in ink, “Arthur Wardle”. English, circa 1900.

Paintings | Pointer (English) | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: Oil on canvas of a pair of Scottish Terriers by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C.

11 ) Oil on canvas of a pair of Scottish Terriers by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (1864-1949)
Oil on canvas of a pair of Scottish Terriers seated in heather landscape by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (1864-1949). Signed bottom right "Arthur Wardle".

Paintings | Scottish Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. |

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12 ) Ink with heightening on paper of Black and White Scottish Terrier by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949)
A ink drawing with white heightening on buff paper of two inquisitive Scottish Terriers, one Black, one White, and a curled hedgehog by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949). Signed bottom middle, in ink, “Arthur Wardle”. English, circa 1900.

Paintings | Scottish Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: Oil on canvas of a Smooth-haired Fox Terrier by Arthur Wardle

13 ) Oil on canvas of a Smooth-haired Fox Terrier by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (1864-1949) SOLD
Oil on canvas of a Smooth-haired Fox Terrier attentively standing over a netted rabbit hole by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (1864-1949). Possibly commissioned by Mr. Francis Redmond whose dogs were painted by Arthur Wardle. Remond's kennels included dogs with such names as of Daze, Deacon Ruby, Dusty was the dam of Ch. Diamond. "Diamond Dus" was most likely a dam of Ch. Diamond. Diamond Dust was registered 9 8 9 0. Signed bottom right "Arthur Wardle". Inscribed to the reverse in ink by the artist "Diamond Dust Arthur Wardle". English, circa 1885

Paintings | Smooth Haired Fox Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1885 |

Click to see full size: The Smooth Fox Terrier

14 ) The Smooth Fox Terrier "Ch Captain Double" (K.C.SB. 988H) by Arthur Wardle R.I., R.B.C. (English, 1864-1949)
An oil on board of the Smooth Fox Terrier Champion Captain Double by Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (English, 1864-1949). Signed on the left “Arthur Wardle”. To the reverse in pencil “Champion Captain Double painted by Arthur Wardle April 1904”. “Captain Double” the property of Smooth Fox Terrier fancier Mrs J H Brown was sired by D’Orsay Double, dammed, Cherry Brandy, and registered K.C.SB. 988H. English, circa 1907. The Smooth Fox Terrier - A Complete Anthology of the Dog writes “Ladies have been supporters of the breed .... Mrs. J. H. Brown, too, as owner of Captain Double, a terrier which has won, and deservedly, more prizes than any Fox-terrier now or in the past, must not be omitted”. Signed bottom left “Arthur Wardle”. English, 1904.

Paintings | Smooth Haired Fox Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1904 |

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15 ) Ink with heightening on paper of a tri-colour Smooth-haired Fox Terrier by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949)
A ink drawing with on buff paper of a fine tri-colour Smooth-haired Fox Terrier, with white and tan heightened coat, standing over a riding crop by Arthur Wardle RI RBC PS (1864-1949). Signed to the right, in ink, “Arthur Wardle”. English, circa 1900.

Paintings | Smooth Haired Fox Terrier | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1900 |

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16 ) Engraving of Field Spaniels Edward Gilbert Hester (c1843-1903)after a painting by Arthur Wardle RI, RBC. (1864-1969)
A large photogravure on India paper by Edward Gilbert Hester (c1843-1903)after the Arthur Wardle RI, RBC. (1864-1969) famous and historical painting of "Field Spaniels of the 20th Century" for the dog food company Spratts. The dogs pictured "Ch. Preston Shot, (Clumber Spaniel), Dual Ch. Velox Powder, (English Springer Spaniel), Ch. Bob Bowdler (Cocker Spaniel), Ch. Jetsam Bowdler, (Cocker Spaniel), Ch. Shillington Rona, (Field Spaniel) Ch. Druid, (Field Spaniel), Ch. Bridford Bobs, (Sussex Spaniel) and Rosehill Rick (Sussex Spaniel)". Singed in pencil "Arthur Wardle" and "E G Hester" and lettered "Published by F.Mansell at 1, Orleston Road, Holloway, London, N Copyright 1906, registered" English, circa 1906

Paintings | Spaniel (Field) | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1906 |

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17 ) Spaniels by Arthur Wardle (1864 - 1949)
King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and English Toy Spaniel by Arthur Wardle (1864 - 1949). A Series of Cigarrette Cards for "John Player & Son's". English, circa 1930.

Paintings | Spaniels (English Toy) | Artist: Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. | Yr: 1930 |


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1) Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. - 20th Century | England


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