Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Artist - Charles Burton Barber

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Click to see full size: “Say Good Night!” Groupil & Co photogravure of Princess Margaret and Prince Arthur as Princess and Prince of Connaught, published by B. Brooks & Sons after Charles Burton Barber (English, 1845-1894)

1 ) “Say Good Night!” Groupil & Co photogravure of Princess Margaret and Prince Arthur as Princess and Prince of Connaught, published by B. Brooks & Sons after Charles Burton Barber (English, 1845-1894)
“Say Good Night!” a rare signed artist proof, Groupil & Co photogravure of Princess Margaret and Prince Arthur as Princess and Prince of Connaught, published by B. Brooks & Sons, after Charles Burton Barber (English, 1845-1894). The Princess, to the left, pictured standing holding a doll in right hand, with left hand extended towards her brother, Prince Arthur who pets a one of the Queen Victoria’s Collies. With a Terrier to the right and a toy horse on wheels to the left, within the Queen’s sitting-room. Signed bottom left “Burton Barber”. Lettered “London Published June 1st 1886 by B. Brooks & Sons, 171 Strand”. English 186

Paintings | Other | Artist: Charles Burton Barber | Yr: 1860 |

Click to see full size: “Geordie” Bedlington Terrier by Charles Burton Barber

2 ) A water colour of "Geordie" Bedlington Terrier by Charles Burton Barber (English, 1845-1894)
A water colour study paper of a standing Bedlington Terrier by Charles Burton Barber (English, 1845-1894). Titled top right "Geordie". Signed bottom right "C Burton Barber". English, circa 1870 Illustrated and exhibited: "Terriers " and Other Sporting Dogs"John Noot Galleries in association with Hamshere Gallery, 2005. “Geordie”, the property of Dr. Lamond Hemming, appears in Vero Shaw's "Cassell's Illustrated Book of the Dog" published in 1881 by Cassell, Petter, & Galphin, in an image of the Bedlington besides the Dandie Dinmont Terrier 'Doctor', the property of Mr. James Locke'.

Paintings | Bedlington Terrier | Artist: Charles Burton Barber | Yr: 1870 |

Click to see full size:

3 ) "The Morning Call" engraving Jack Russell / Smooth-haired Fox Terrier by William Callis Roffe (English, 1817 - c.1889), after Charles Burton Barber ROI (English, 1845 - 1894)
A before letters artist's proof mixed method engraving of Jack Russell / Smooth-haired Fox Terrier waking girl half-asleep beneath her eiderdown by William Callis Roffe (English, 1817 - c.1889), after Charles Burton Barber RO (English, 1845 -1894) painting of 1883. This was published on the 1st November 1883 by B Brooks & Sons 171 Strand. Bears blind seal bottom left "Artist London Proof". With remarque of a Bull Terrier head in the margin and pencil signature bottom right. The reverse bears label: "Arts & Craft Supplies Etchings R.B. Barker 29, Stonegate, York". The Lennox-Boyd database records a proof before letters example. A lettered example is in the collection of the British Museum. The work was later published 11th December 1913. in the "Journal of Education" "Picture Study " (III) by Mary E Cotting. Charles Burton Barber painting of this engraved work was sold at Christie's New York on 11th November 1998, for $365,500.

Paintings | Jack Russell | Artist: Charles Burton Barber | Yr: 1883 |

Click to see full size: ?Adventures of Pincher?

4 ) "Adventures of Pincher" by Charles Burton Barber ROI (1845 - 1894)
"Adventures of Pincher" by Charles Burton Barber ROI (1845 - 1894). Watercolour, pen and ink on paper. English, circa 1890. The 'Adventures of Pincher' was an illustrated children's book inspired by the artist's daily visits for more than 20 years, to the Queen Victoria's homes painting her dogs and grand children.

Paintings | Other | Artist: Charles Burton Barber | Yr: 1890 |


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1) Affenpinscher - Toy

2) Afghan Hound - Hound

3) Airedale Terrier - Terrier

4) Akita - Utility

5) Alaskan Malamute - Working

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1) Charles Burton Barber - 19th Century | England


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