Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870)

Click to see full size: Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870) - Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870)
Click for larger image: Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870)  - Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870) Click for larger image: Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870)  - Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870) Click for larger image: Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870)  - Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870)

Royal Mail coaching oil ‘Portsmouth to London’ by H. F Jones (English, op, 1860–1870)

An oil on canvas of a Royal Mail ‘Portsmouth to London (Bull & Mouth)’ coach laden with passengers and luggage crossing English heathland, by H. F. Jones (English, op, 1860–1870). The coach wearing the correct Post Office red wheels, and black panelling but with yellow doors, bearing the livery of the Bull and Mouth, Portsmouth Bull & Mouth London” above an image of a bull. The Bull and Mouth, Bull and Mouth Street (London) was a famous London coaching inn. Signed bottom right " H. F. Jones ". English, circa 1865. “Bull and Mouth” The great coaching-inn of Aldersgate Street, in the old time, was the “Bull and Mouth.” The original name of this inn was “Boulogne Mouth,” in allusion to the town and harbour of Boulogne, besieged by Henry VIII. But the “gne,” being generally pronounced by the Londoners “on,” it gradually became “an,” and it only required the small addition of “d” to make “and” of it. The first part being before this made a “bull” of, it was ultimately converted into the “Bull and Mouth.”

This is a SOLD item and has been left in the Public Domain for research purposes. Images are available for public use with an acknowledgement to www.hamsheregallery.com


Medium Group: Paintings

Year: 1865


Breed: Horse

Artist: Jones, H. F






Dimensions: 16 x 24 inches


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