Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Suckling silver gilt Sealyham Terrier brooch

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Suckling silver gilt Sealyham Terrier brooch

Silver gilt Sealyham Terrier made by Suckling Ltd of Birmingham after circa 1925. From a series of breeds by the Birmingham maker that included, Setter, Sealyham, Scottish Terrier, Wire-haired Fox Terrier, and Airedale. Each clearly modelled from a show Champion of the 1920s.

Images are available for public use and research with an acknowledgement to www.hamsheregallery.com



Medium Group: Jewellery

Year: 1925


Breed: Sealyham Terrier

Artist: Unknown, Other






Dimensions: None


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Last Updated: 11:31 AM Tue 23 Apr 2024

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