Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


A 19th century gold stick pin of a Setter at work

Click to see full size: A 19th century gold stick pin of a Setter at work- A 19th century gold stick pin of a Setter at work

A 19th century gold stick pin of a Setter at work

A 19th century gold stick pin of a well modelled and sculptured Setter at work. The dog wears a silver set collar of old cut diamonds. Assay mark to the pin. 1880

Images are available for research and public use with an acknowledgement to www.hamsheregallery.com. But not for commercial use without the permission of the Hamshere Gallery.



Medium Group: Jewellery

Year: 1880


Breed: Setter

Artist: Unknown, Other






Dimensions: ¾ inches wide


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Last Updated: 11:31 AM Tue 23 Apr 2024

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