Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


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1 ) An oil of Affinpinscher spellbound by a Meissen nodding pagoda, German, circa 1850
An oil of Affinpinscher spellbound by a Meissen nodding pagoda, attributable to Otto Bache (1839 – 1927)

Paintings | Affenpinscher | Yr: 1850 |

Click to see full size: Airedale Crystal Brooch

2 ) Airedale Crystal Brooch "CH. Weycroft Wild Boy"
Airedale Crystal Brooch Set American 14 Carat Gold Frame.

Reverse Intaglios | Airedale Terrier |

Click to see full size: Airedale gold dog clip

3 ) Airedale gold dog clip
Airedale gold dog clip. American, circa 1920.

Jewellery | Airedale Terrier | Yr: 1920 |

Click to see full size: Airedale Terrier/ Wire Fox Terrier Chalcedony Brooch

4 ) Airedale Terrier/ Wire Fox Terrier Chalcedony Brooch
Chalcedony brooch, the terrier wearing a diamond platinum set collar and with a diamond collet platinum set eye, most likely retailed by Koch, Viennas most famous jeweller and jeweller to the Hapsburgs.

Jewellery | Airedale Terrier |

Click to see full size: Airedale Terrier/ Welsh Terrier/ Lakeland Terrier/ Wire Fox Terrier gold stick pin

5 ) Airedale Terrier/ Welsh Terrier/ Lakeland Terrier/ Wire Fox Terrier gold stick pin.
Airedale Terrier/ Welsh Terrier/ Lakeland Terrier/ Wire Fox Terrier gold stick pin. American, circa 1920.

Jewellery | Airedale Terrier | Yr: 1920 |

Click to see full size: Diamond and platinum diamond brooch of a standing Airedale Terrier, by the famous Philadelphia jeweller J.E. Caldwell & Co, marked

6 ) Diamond and platinum diamond brooch of a standing Airedale Terrier, by the famous Philadelphia jeweller J.E. Caldwell & Co, marked "J E C & Co". American circa 1930.
Most likely from a design by the famous German born animalist of jewellery Gustav Manz (1865-1946). Manz was in popular demand by the fashionable jewellery retailers Tiffany; Marcus; Cartier; A.A. Vantine; Shreve, Crump & Low; Gillot & Co; Ferdinand Hotz; Raymond Yard; Bailey, Banks& Biddle; Black, Starr & Frost-Gorham and J E Caldwell.

Jewellery | Airedale Terrier | Yr: 1930 |

Click to see full size: Reverse intaglio crystal double airedale terrier cufflinks

7 ) Reverse intaglio crystal double sided Airedale Terrier cufflinks
A set of double sided reverse intaglio crystal, gold set Airedale Terrier cufflinks. Each link depicting a head study.. Reverse intaglio crystals are commonly and erroneously often called Essex Crystals. English, circa 1910

Reverse Intaglios | Airedale Terrier | Yr: 1910 |

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8 ) Meiji period pair of Kutani Akita puppies
A Meiji period pair of Kutani Akita puppies, one holding the ball. Japanese circa 1900.

Paintings | Akita | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: Late 19th century / circa 1900 0il of a Old English Sheepdog / Bobtail / Bearded Collie

9 ) Late 19th century / circa 1900 Oil of a Old English Sheepdog / Bobtail / Bearded Collie
An oil of a head study of an Old English Sheepdog / Bobtail / Bearded Collie. English, circa 1900.

Paintings | Bearded Collie | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: French Sheepdog fix cufflinks

10 ) French Sheepdog fix cufflinks
Beauceron/ Berger de Beauce, French Sheepdog, French Herding dog, Fix cufflinks gilt metal, circa 1900, French, marked Fix. SOLD

Jewellery | Beauceron | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: 19th century reverse intaglio crystal brooch of a Bernese Mountain Dog / Berner Sennenhund

11 ) 19th century reverse intaglio crystal brooch of a Bernese Mountain Dog / Berner Sennenhund
A 19th century reverse intaglio crystal brooch of a head study of Bernese Mountain Dog / Berner Sennenhund. Set gold mount with beaded detail. Reverse intaglio crystals are commonly and erroneously often called Essex Crystals. A rare and early depiction of the breed in jewellery. English, circa 1880.

Reverse Intaglios | Bernese Mountain Dog | Yr: 1850 |

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12 ) Oil painting of Bichon Sold
Oil painting of Bichon Circa 1890-1910

Paintings | Bichon Frise |

Click to see full size: 19th century oil of a seated Bichon (French)

13 ) 19th century oil of a seated Bichon (French)
An oil on canvas of a Bichon. The pampered wears a blue silk ribbon and sits on a plush covered stool. Indistinctly signed to the reverse of the canvas. French, circa 1890.

Paintings | Bichon Frise | Yr: 1890 |

Click to see full size: A French crystal perfume / scent flacon / bottle of a begging Bichon

14 ) A French crystal perfume / scent flacon / bottle of a begging Bichon
A French pressed colourless frosted crystal perfume / scent flacon / bottle of a begging Bichon This most likely inspired the Dior, Fernand Guérycolas 1952 designed flacon of Monsieur Dior’s Bichon “Bobby” for the Miss Dior range.

Objets D'Art | Bichon Frise | Yr: 1952 |

Click to see full size: kingfisher

15 ) Enamel kingfisher
Enamel kingfisher set in 9ct gold with garnets Circa 1890.

Enamels | Birds | Yr: 1890 |

Click to see full size: Slimbridge ducks lithograph by Sir Peter Markham Scott

16 ) "Slimbridge" ducks lithograph by Sir Peter Markham Scott (1909-1989)
Coloured offset-lithograph "Peter Scott 181" printed by the Curwen Press for Arthur Ackermann & Son Ltd and Sir Peter Markham Scott (1909-1989). From 1935 up until about 1983 Ackermann's published a limited number of colour prints of Sir Peter's work. Many of the original oils are in major private and public collections, and these prints, signed by the artist. Signed in pencil by the artist, bottom right, "Peter Scott". The reverse bears label "Arthur Ackermann & Son Ltd., 3 New Bond Street" English, circa 1981

Paintings | Birds | Yr: 1981 |

Click to see full size: A Meiji period Japanese Yuzen Birodo (Yuzen-dyed cut velvet) textile of tiger with pigeon

17 ) A Meiji period, Japanese Yuzen Birodo (Yuzen-dyed cut velvet) textile of tiger with pigeon
A Meiji period, Japanese Yuzen Birodo (Yuzen-dyed cut velvet) textile on dyed cotton ground of a recumbent tiger with pigeon. Original black wood frame. Japanese circa 1900

Objets D'Art | Birds | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: 2134: Reverse Intaglios - Reverse intaglio crystal double sided game bird cufflinks

18 ) Reverse intaglio crystal double sided game bird cufflinks
A set of reverse intaglio crystal double sided 18 carat gold set game bird cufflinks. Each cufflink with a different bird, including Partridge Pheasant and Woodcock to the other. Deeply and finely carved, and finely painted. Marked “18c”. English, circa, 1900

Reverse Intaglios | Birds | Yr: 1900 |

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19 ) A 19th century oil of a standing boy feeding his caged canary
A 19th century oil of a standing boy in an interior feeding his caged canary. Monogrammed bottom left.

Paintings | Birds |

Click to see full size: Bloodhound Metal SOLD

20 ) Bloodhound Medal
Bloodhound medal with inscribed lettering reading "Societe Royale Saint Hubert Bruxelles 1910"

Objets D'Art | Bloodhound | Yr: 1910 |

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21 ) A silver plate Rhyton form boar vase After Gabriella Crespi (Italian, 1922 – 2017) for Christian Dior
A silver plate Rhyton form boar vase After Gabriella Crespi (Italian, 1922 – 2017) for Christian Dior. From the early 1960’s her objects were commissioned by Dior for the gifts department, home decor and dining.

Other | Boar | Yr: 1960 |

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22 ) A French 19th century set of six silver boar salts
A French 19th century set of six silver boar salts, of oval form with boar’s heads either end. Two bearing retailers marks of McAuliffe & Hadley (Boston), and two marked Rand & Crane (Boston).

Other | Boar |

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23 ) A set of four Gucci silver plated boar’s head stirrup cups
A set of four Gucci silver plated boar’s head stirrup cups. Marked “Gucci Italy”. Italian, circa 1970.

Other | Boar | Yr: 1970 |

Click to see full size: A circa 1900 French Majolica earthenware boar jardinière

24 ) A circa 1900 French Majolica ‘Massier” earthenware ‘boar’ jardinière.
A circa 1900 French Majolica earthenware jardinière / planter, with sculpture of a boar seated beside a pool of reeds and bulrushes.

Objets D'Art | Boar | Yr: 1905 |

Click to see full size: A pair of Art Deco silver plated and glass boar wine coolers

25 ) A pair of Art Deco silver plated and glass boar wine coolers
A pair of Art Deco silver plated and glass wine coolers with handles in the form of a boar’s head. Marked to the base “NVM”

Other | Boar |


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1) Affenpinscher - Toy

2) Afghan Hound - Hound

3) Airedale Terrier - Terrier

4) Akita - Utility

5) Alaskan Malamute - Working


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Last Updated: 11:26 PM Mon 11 Nov 2024

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