Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


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Click to see full size:  Very rare late19th century mahogany chaise lounge dog / cat bed

1 ) Very rare late 19th century mahogany chaise lounge dog / cat bed
A very rare late 19th century mahogany chaise lounge dog / cat bed, with elaborate scroll swan shaped back, carved rail, and fluted legs. English, circa 1880.

Objets D'Art | Other | Yr: 1880 |

Click to see full size: An early 20th century sterling silver dog headed swagger stick

2 ) An early 20th century sterling silver dog headed swagger stick
The dog's head with glass eyes stamped 'sterling silver' and 'u270', wooden shaft

Paintings | Other | Yr: 20th |

Click to see full size: French, circa 1910, 18 carat gold, reverse intaglio ‘Ruddy Shelduck’ crystal stock pin.

3 ) French, circa 1910, 18 carat gold, reverse intaglio ‘Ruddy Shelduck’ crystal stock pin.
A French, circa 1910, 18 carat gold, reverse intaglio crystal stock pin of a Ruddy Shelduck inflight over a reeded waterbed. French, circa 1910.

Reverse Intaglios | Other | Yr: 1910 |

Click to see full size: French, circa 1910, 18 carat gold, reverse intaglio ‘Snipe’ crystal stock pin.

4 ) French, circa 1910, 18 carat gold, reverse intaglio ‘Snipe’ crystal stock pin.
A French, circa 1910, 18 carat gold, reverse intaglio crystal stock pin of a Snipe in flight over grasses. French, circa 1910.

Reverse Intaglios | Other | Yr: 1910 |

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5 ) Circa 1920, 14 carat gold, reverse intaglio ‘Labrador crystal, "Cor de Chasse", French Hunting Horn set brooch
A circa 1920’s, 14 carat gold, reverse intaglio crystal brooch depicting a black Labrador Retriever’s head. Set within a "Cor de Chasse",, French Hunting Horn worked in gold with platinum detail. American, circa 1920.

Reverse Intaglios | Labrador | Yr: 1920 |

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6 ) A French, 1920’s silver gilt Setter "Cor de Chasse", French Hunting Horn , duck brooch
A French, 1920’s silver gilt brooch depicting a Setter’s head within a "Cor de Chasse", French Hunting Horn and shot gun setting. The stock of the gun marked “LECHESNAY”. Possible the Le Chesnay chasse in the Yvelines department in the Île-de-France region in north-central France. The dog retrieving a duck. French, circa 1920.

Jewellery | Other | Yr: 1920 |

Click to see full size: A very fine, German, circa 1900 Setter bronze

7 ) A very fine, German, circa 1900 Setter bronze
A very fine and rare German bronze , circa 1900, of a setter at work. Note the unusual slip collar. Inscribed to the side of the base "Seinem scheidenden Kommandeur Herrn Oberst Hopfe, das Offiziercorps des 4. Magdeburg. Infanterie Regiments No. 67, 18.4.03 - 18.5.05". Clearly an appreciating gift to Kommandeur Hopfe, comanber of the 4th Magdeburg. Infantry Regiments No. 67, from 18.4.03 - 18.5.05. German circa 1900.

Objets D'Art | Setter | Yr: 1900 |

Click to see full size: A rare English, Regency, 19th century, King Charles Cavalier bronze sconce / candelabra

8 ) A rare English, Regency, 19th century, King Charles Cavalier bronze sconce / candelabra
A rare English, Regency, 19th century, bronze sconces / candelabra with recumbent King Charles Cavalier beneath a sconce set on top of stylised scrolling flowers and leaves, on which hang cut-glass ‘icicle’ pendant drops. On white marble base. English, circa 1820.

Objets D'Art | King Charles Cavalier Spaniel | Yr: 1820 |

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9 ) A pair of Japanese, Meiji period, cloisonne elephant handled vases
A pair of Japanese, Meiji period, cloisonne elephant handled vases, decorated with stylised flowers against geometric scroll work. Japanese, circa 1885.

Objets D'Art | Other | Yr: 1885 |

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10 ) Rare early set of six silver Setter and Fox stirrup cups by the English silversmith by P H Vogel & Co, dated 1917.
Rare early set of six silver stirrup cups by the English silversmith by P H Vogel & Co, dated 1917. Three cups with Setter heads and three with Fox heads. English, 1917.

Objets D'Art | Setter | Yr: 1917 |

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11 ) A pair of English, 18th, bronze Pug candelabra
A pair of English, 18th, bronze Pug candelabra, on rectangular bases. The recumbent Pugs on floral leafy bases, sit beneath a stylised lion on which the sconces sits, and which are hung cut glass ‘icicle’ drops. The ‘Robert and Gilles Dubois Pont -aux-Choux faience factory copied variants of these designs circa 1765. (See “The T. & T. Collection Porcelain Pugs: A Passion edited by Claire Dumortier and Patrick Habets 2019”). English, circa 1760.

Objets D'Art | Pug | Yr: 1760 |

Click to see full size: 19th century French bronze boar vases after Claude Ballin (Paris 1615-1678)

12 ) 19th century French bronze boar vases after Claude Ballin (Paris 1615-1678)
A pair of 19th century French bronze vases after Claude Ballin (Paris 1615-1678), Louis XIV’S goldsmith. The handles cast with Janus heads and boars' masks, the sides with shells, Greek key and oak leaf decoration, on waisted fluted stems and socle bases.

Objets D'Art | Boar |

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13 ) A pair of English, early 19th, Pointer / Setter / hound, sconces / candelabra
A pair of English, early 19th century, bronze Pointer / Setter / hound sconces /candelabra, on rectangular bases. The dogs on a chamfered rectangular base stand beneath Rocco acanthus scroll work, and single sconces on which are hung cut glass ‘icicle’ drops. English, circa 1820.

Objets D'Art | Setter | Yr: 1820 |

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14 ) An Edwardian sliver Pomeranian paperweight, assayed London 1910
An Edwardian silver paper weight of a Pomeranian standing on a concave silver base. Assayed on the base London 1901, and stamped with an indecipherable silversmith mark. English, 1910.

Objets D'Art | Pomeranian | Yr: 1910 |

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15 ) Early 20th century Dresden porcelain coffee set decorated with animals
Early 20th century Dresden gilt porcelain coffee set decorated with various animals.

Other | Other |

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16 ) French 19th century pair of bronze boar & setter ‘chasse’ vide-poches
French 19th century pair of bronze boar & setter ‘chasse’ vide-poches.

Objets D'Art | Setter |

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17 ) A set of English, early 20th century, double sided 18ct gold and enamel oval cufflinks depicting fox masks
A set of English, circa 1920, double sided 18ct gold and enamel oval cufflinks of fox masks. Each fox head depicts a different pose. English, circa 1920.

Jewellery | Other | Yr: 1920 |

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18 ) “The Black Piper”, Labrador by William Goadby Lawerence (American, 1913 - 2002)
An oil on canvas of a young seated black Labrador, titled “The black Piper” by William Goadby Lawerence (American, 1913 - 2002). Signed bottom left “Wm Goadby Lawerence”. Inscribed in ink to the reverse “THE BLACK PIPER Wm Goadby Lawerence, Navesink River Road, Red Bank, NJ”. American, circa 1960.

Paintings | Labrador | Yr: 1960 |

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19 ) A 20th century pair of silver bronze boar sconces
A 20th century pair of silver bronze sconces in the form of a boar’s head.

Objets D'Art | Boar |

Click to see full size: A very rare pair of Aesthetic Movement English Toy Spaniel / King Charles Spaniel console brackets / wall shelves

20 ) A very rare pair of Aesthetic Movement English Toy Spaniel / King Charles Spaniel console brackets / wall shelves
A very rare pair of Aesthetic Movement console brackets / wall shelves, with carved English Toy Spaniel / King Charles Spaniel head studies, scalloped shelves, stylized details and ebonised painting. English, circa 1880.

Other | King Charles Cavalier Spaniel | Yr: 1880 |

Click to see full size: 19th century, French, Persian influence, elephant earthen ware / faïence jardinière / ‘cache-pot’ by Théodore Deck for Jules Viellard & Cie héodore Deck

21 ) 19th century, French, Persian influence, elephant earthen ware / faïence jardinière / ‘cache-pot’ by Théodore Deck for Jules Viellard & Cie Théodore Deck
A rare and important, 19th century, ovoid, Persian influence, finely enamelled elephant head handles jardinière / ‘cache-pot’ with geometric, lambrequin and floral decoration by Théodore Deck for Jules Viellard & Cie of Bordeaux. French, circa 1880. A variant of this jardinière model is illustrated in Jacqueline du Pasquier 2015 book "Vieillard & Cie, Histoire de la faïencerie fine de Bordeaux", plate 51, page 77.

Objets D'Art | Other | Yr: 1880 |

Click to see full size: Circa 1910, Austrian rock crystal French Bulldog decanter

22 ) Circa 1910, Austrian rock crystal French Bulldog decanter
A rock crystal decanter in the form of a seated French Bulldog. The silver plated dog's head set with double inlaid glass eyes. Austrian, circa 1910.

Other | French Bulldog | Yr: 1910 |

Click to see full size: Circa 1910, French 18 carat gold Levrier / Greyhound / Whippet pendant

23 ) Circa 1910, French 18 carat gold Levrier / Greyhound / Whippet pendant
A French 18 carat gold pendant of a Levrier / Greyhound / Whippet standing amongst acanthus leaves. Inscribed to the reverse “26 Juillet 1912”. French, circa 1912.

Jewellery | Greyhound | Yr: 1912 |

Click to see full size: Wire-haired Fox Terrier Scottish Terrier oil by René Philippe Delin (Belgium, 1877-1961)

24 ) Wire-haired Fox Terrier Scottish Terrier oil by René Philippe Delin (Belgium, 1877-1961)
A group of four Wire-haired Fox Terriers standing in landscape setting by René Philippe Delin (Belgium, 1877-1961). Signed and dated bottom left "R Delin 1927". A Belgium artist who pupiled at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts - École supérieure des Arts de la Ville de Bruxelles, whose work in this painting bears a resemblance to Frederick Thomas Daws (1878-1949)

Paintings | Scottish Terrier | Yr: 1927 |

Click to see full size: “We Two” Sealyham Terrier coloured lithograph by Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin RBA (English, 1870-1935)

25 ) “We Two” Sealyham Terrier coloured lithograph by Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin RBA (English, 1870-1935)
“We Two”, a rare coloured lithograph of two Sealyham Terrier puppies seated on a step by Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin RBA (English, 1870-1935). Lettered in the margin top right “Published by Eyre & Spottiswoode (Publishers) Ltd., London, E.C.4 Printed in England”. The reverse bears label for “Wiseman's ltd., Dealers in Works of Art, 54 ABOVE BAR, SOUTHAMPTON” with ink description, “WE TWO CECIL ALDIN COLOUR FACSIMILE”. English, circa 1920.

Other | Sealyham Terrier | Yr: 1920 |


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1) Affenpinscher - Toy

2) Afghan Hound - Hound

3) Airedale Terrier - Terrier

4) Akita - Utility

5) Alaskan Malamute - Working


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Click to see full size: The William Walls RSA, RSW (Scottish, 1860-1942) Wire-haired Jack Russell finds a new home

1) The William Walls RSA, RSW (Scottish, 1860-1942) Wire-haired Jack Russell finds a new home

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2) "Sealyham Puppy" another Cecila Aldin miniature on display

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3) Margaret Boden and Yorkshire Terrier find new home

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4) Louis Comfort Tiffany and his Terrier "Funny" by Joaquin Sorolla (Spanish, 1863 - 1923) - See this at the Royal Academy of Arts "Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse" from 30 January to 20 April 2016

Click to see full size: Enamel Jewellery by william essex w.b ford and james bailey

5) Enamel Jewellery by William Essex, W.B Ford and and James W Bailey

Click to see full size: 1st Dibs Hamshere Gallery Banner

6) Hamshere Gallery joins 1st Dibs - Find us by searching Hamshere Gallery at www.1stdibs.com.

Click to see full size: “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” feature the Mannerhead Poodles by F T Daws

7) “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” - “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” feature the Mannerhead Poodles by F T Daws

Click to see full size: reverse intaglio crystal / Essex crystal Victorian game bird cufflinks

8) “Huntin’, Shooting’ and Fishin’“ Antique Explorer February 2014

Click to see full size: Our Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (1864-1949) finds new friend

9) Our Arthur Wardle finds new friend

Click to see full size: Antique Explorer Issue 152 February 2014

10) Antique Explorer February 2014- "Totally Bona Fido" by Margaret Gaskin - Antiques/Collectables/Interiors Your National Guide to the Best UK Antiques Fairs



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Last Updated: 11:26 PM Mon 11 Nov 2024

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