Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Artist - K. C. Brown

Stock: Displaying 1 to 7 from a total of 7 items

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Click to see full size:  “Widgeon” an English Setter drawing by Katherine C Brown

1 ) “Widgeon” an English Setter drawing by Katherine C Brown (English 1930’s -1960’s)
Pen, ink & watercolour on cream paper of "Widgeon" an English Setter by Katherine C Brown (English, 1930’s -1960’s). Signed and dated bottom left “K C Brown 1938”. English, 1938.

Paintings | English Setter | Artist: K. C. Brown | Yr: 1938 |

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2 ) Golden Retriever drawing by Katherine C Brown (English 1930’s -1960’s)
Pen, ink & watercolour on buff paper of "Peter" a Golden Retriever by Katherine C Brown (English fl1930’s -1960’s). Signed bottom left “K C Brown” and dated "1946". English 1946

Paintings | Retriever (Golden) | Artist: K. C. Brown | Yr: 1946 |

Click to see full size: Cocker Spaniel drawing by Katherine C Brown

3 ) Cocker Spaniel drawing by Katherine C Brown (English 1930’s -1960’s)
Pen, ink & watercolour of "Diane" a Coker Spaniel by Katherine C Brown (English fl1930’s -1960’s). Signed “K C Brown” & dated "1942".

Paintings | Spaniel (Cocker) | Artist: K. C. Brown | Yr: 1942 |

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4 ) Dalmatian "Shandy" by K.C Brown
Dalmatian titled "Shandy" Pen, ink and body colour Signed and dated "K.C Brown 1935"

Paintings | Dalmatian | Artist: K. C. Brown | Yr: 1935 |

Click to see full size: Border Terrier

5 ) Border Terrier "Liz and Brownie" by K C Brown.
Titled "Liz and Brownie", pen, ink and watercolour on paper. Signed "K.C. Brown". English, circa 1950.

Paintings | Border Terrier | Artist: K. C. Brown | Yr: 1950 |

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6 ) Wire Fox Terrier "Rufty" by K. C. Brown
Wire-haired Fox Terrier watercolour and ink on card, signed and dated "K.C.Brown 1942".

Paintings | Fox Terrier | Artist: K. C. Brown | Yr: 1942 |

Click to see full size: Smooth Hair Bruxellois Griffon

7 ) Smooth Hair Bruxellois Griffon by K. C. Brown SOLD
Pen, ink & watercolour of "Quest of Quatt" Smooth Hair Bruxellois Griffon by K. C. Brown, signed & dated "1955". The Quatt kennel collaboration of Joyce Hargreaves (Comeytrowe), Mrs Nutting (Olveston) and Joan Cottrell formed around 1946, near the Quatt, just south of Bridgnorth in Shropshire. The kennels under Joan’s leadership until her death in 1979 and was continued by her daughter Ann until her death in 2001. The kennels were especially known for their French Bulldogs producing a long line of successful dogs, especially clear pieds and fawns, including 31 British champions and many worldwide. The Quatt kennel was the first in Britain to breed champion French Bulldogs in all three colours.

Paintings | Griffon Bruxellois | Artist: K. C. Brown | Yr: 1955 |


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Breeds' Profiles (203)

1) Affenpinscher - Toy

2) Afghan Hound - Hound

3) Airedale Terrier - Terrier

4) Akita - Utility

5) Alaskan Malamute - Working

Artists' Profiles (1)

1) K. C. Brown - Other | Other/Unknown


Search Results - News/Links/Books

Search Results - Profiles: Displaying 1 to 10 from a total of 36 items

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Click to see full size: The William Walls RSA, RSW (Scottish, 1860-1942) Wire-haired Jack Russell finds a new home

1) The William Walls RSA, RSW (Scottish, 1860-1942) Wire-haired Jack Russell finds a new home

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2) "Sealyham Puppy" another Cecila Aldin miniature on display

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3) Margaret Boden and Yorkshire Terrier find new home

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4) Louis Comfort Tiffany and his Terrier "Funny" by Joaquin Sorolla (Spanish, 1863 - 1923) - See this at the Royal Academy of Arts "Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse" from 30 January to 20 April 2016

Click to see full size: Enamel Jewellery by william essex w.b ford and james bailey

5) Enamel Jewellery by William Essex, W.B Ford and and James W Bailey

Click to see full size: 1st Dibs Hamshere Gallery Banner

6) Hamshere Gallery joins 1st Dibs - Find us by searching Hamshere Gallery at www.1stdibs.com.

Click to see full size: “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” feature the Mannerhead Poodles by F T Daws

7) “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” - “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” feature the Mannerhead Poodles by F T Daws

Click to see full size: reverse intaglio crystal / Essex crystal Victorian game bird cufflinks

8) “Huntin’, Shooting’ and Fishin’“ Antique Explorer February 2014

Click to see full size: Our Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (1864-1949) finds new friend

9) Our Arthur Wardle finds new friend

Click to see full size: Antique Explorer Issue 152 February 2014

10) Antique Explorer February 2014- "Totally Bona Fido" by Margaret Gaskin - Antiques/Collectables/Interiors Your National Guide to the Best UK Antiques Fairs



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Last Updated: 11:26 PM Mon 11 Nov 2024

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Tel: 020 8287 0123 Fax : 020 8287 0123