Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Breed - Terrier

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Click to see full size: James Ward RA (British, 1769-1859)

1 ) James Ward RA (British, 1769-1859)
A Dog in profile Oil on canvas

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: James Ward |

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2 ) Terrier oil by Rudolf Carl Huber (Austrian, 1839 - 1896)
A very fine oil of a terrier seated on velvet covering before a floral display by Rudolf Carl Huber (Austrian, 1839 - 1896). The pampered pet wears a pink silk bow, with a silver bowl and waits expectedly besides his owner’s gloves and cane for a walk. Signed “R Carl Huber” and dated 66/5, May, 1866. The reverse bears Vienna gallery label. Austrian 1866.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Rudolf Carl Huber | Yr: 1866 |

Click to see full size: Scottish Terrier, signed Cecil Aldin, circa 1925

3 ) Scottish Terrier, Signed Cecil Aldin (lr), circa 1925
Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin British, 1870-1935 Scottish Terrier, circa 1925 Signed Cecil Aldin (lr) Ink and wash with white and blue highlights on ivorine Sight 3 3/4 x 4 5/8 inches (9.5 x 11.7 cm)

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Cecil Aldin | Yr: 1925 |

Click to see full size: Percy Harland Fisher British, 1867-1944 Terrier, 1915

4 ) Percy Harland Fisher British, 1867-1944 Terrier, 1915
Percy Harland Fisher British, 1867-1944 Terrier, 1915 Signed and dated P. Harland Fisher 1915 (lr) Pastel on paper Sight of oval, 11 1/4 x 9 1/2 inches (28.5 x 24.1 cm)

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Percy Harland Fisher | Yr: 1915 |

Click to see full size: “Anxious Moments”, oil of a terrier seated by a cowering rabbit, by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer R.A. (1802-1873)

5 ) “Anxious Moments”, oil of a terrier seated by a cowering rabbit, by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer R.A. (1802-1873)
“Anxious Moments”, an oil of a seated terrier besides a cowering rabbit by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer R.A. (1802-1873). Thomas Hyde Hills, of 45, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square published on the 10th November 1884, a mixed method engraving on chine collé by John Cother Webb (English 1855-1927) of Landseer’s oil. It would appear that this engraving was not made publically available, as annotated in pencil on the recto 'Private Plate / from a Picture painted / by Sir Edwin Landseer / this proof presented to Mrs Woodin[?] / by Thos Mackenzie'. This engraving is in the collection of the British Museum. Titled on the frame “Anxious Moments”. The reverse bears the Christies stamp, ‘XMS 93’. English, circa 1865.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Sir Edwin Landseer RA | Yr: 1865 |

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6 ) "Dogs at Bay", a pencil and chalk drawing of English terriers by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer R.A. (1802-1873) from 1828
"Dogs at Bay”, a pencil drawing of two English terriers playing with a hedgehog by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer R.A. (1802-1873) from 1824. The drawing is illustrated, as a woodblock (Plate XXXII), in “The Works of Sir Edwin Landseer” by W. Comos Monkhouse. Titled “Dogs at Bay”. The author refers to the dogs as ‘English terriers’. Possibly a study for “Jocko” a terrier and hedgehog commissioned for Lieut-Col Peers William, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1828. The reverse bears label for Watling Street Galleries. English, 1828 Provenance: - Charles William Mansel Lewis - "The Works of Sir Edwin Landseer RA” by W Cosmo Monkhouse, published in 1879 which was "illustrated by 44 steel engravings and about 200 woodcuts". - Watling Street Galleries, 116 Watling Street East, Towcester, Northamptonshire

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Sir Edwin Landseer RA | Yr: 1828 |

Click to see full size: English terrier pencil drawing by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer R.A.

7 ) English terrier pencil drawing by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer R.A. (1802-1873) from 1822
A drawing of a recumbent English terrier with sheep huddled in the background by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer R.A. (1802-1873) from 1822. Initialled and dated bottom right “EL 1822”. The reverse bears label for Watling Street Galleries. English, 1822. Provenance: - Watling Street Galleries, 116 Watling Street East, Towcester, Northamptonshire

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Sir Edwin Landseer RA | Yr: 1822 |

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8 ) Dogs attributable to Bernard de Gempt (Dutch, 1826 – 1846)
An oil on canvas of pampered pets, terriers and cats, the dogs wearing silk bows or expensive collars. All seated in a plush interior with finely carved furniture and rich textiles. A Bichon is recumbent on a velvet covered stool, before distant classical landscape.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Bernard de-Gempt |

Click to see full size: An oil on canvas of a Terrier puppy and Magpie by Kathleen Frances Barker (English,1901-1969)

9 ) An oil on canvas of a Terrier puppy and Magpie by Kathleen Frances Barker (English,1901-1969)
An oil on canvas of a young Bull Terrier guarding his bone from an approaching Magpie, by Kathleen Frances Barker (English,1901-1969). Signed bottom left “KB”. English, circa 1925.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Kathleen Frances Barker | Yr: 1925 |

Click to see full size: Oil of a terrier by Charles van der Eycken

10 ) Oil of a terrier by Charles van der Eycken (Belgian, 1809-1891)
An oil on canvas of a seated terrier wearing a linen ruff besides musical instruments and a monkey in the background by Charles van der Eycken (Belgian, 1809-1891). Signed bottom left “Ch van der Eycken”. Belgium, circa 1890. Eycken was known for his performing dog paintings with such titles as “The Musicians”, “Before the Performance” “The Interval” and “Circus Dogs”.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Charles Van-den-Eycken | Yr: 1890 |

Click to see full size: An oil on canvas of girl and Terrier by Jules-Louis Machard

11 ) An oil on canvas of girl and Terrier by Jules-Louis Machard (French, 1839-1900)
An oil on canvas of a girl wearing pink satin lace frilled dress with her beloved by Jules-Louis Machard (French, 1839-1900). Signed top right "J Machard".

Paintings | Terrier |

Click to see full size: Oil on canvas of a Terrier on chair by William Wreford Major

12 ) Oil on canvas of a Terrier on chair by William Wreford Major (English, 1829 - 1889)
An oil on canvas of a Terrier seated on a green velvet chair draped in red velvet, by William Wreford Major. Signed bottom right "W W Major" and dated "Mch. 1852". English March 1852. Provenance: Lot 30 Bonhams, London. March 30, 1989.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: William Wreford Major | Yr: 1852 |

Click to see full size: Mezzotint engraving of Jack Russell / Smooth Fox Terrier, terrier and cat by Samuel Arlent Edwards after William Hamilton Trood

13 ) Mezzotint engraving of Jack Russell / Smooth Fox Terrier, terrier and cat by Samuel Arlent Edwards (English, 1861-1938) after William Hamilton Trood (English, 1806-1899)
A proof before letters mezzotint engraving of a terrier and Tabby concerned for Jack Russell / Smooth Fox Terrier lying in wicker basket. Engraved by Samuel Arlent Edwards (English, 1861-1938) after a painting by William Hamilton Trood (English, 1806-1899). Signed in pencil "W H Trood" and "S Arlent Edward". English, circa 1890. The engraver and painter were artistic collaborators, for example "Oh! What a Surprise", a Bulldog puppy surprised by a stag beetle. The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History collection holds a master set of Samuel Arlent Edwards prints.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Samuel Arlent Edwards | Yr: 1890 |

Click to see full size: Terrier by Hubert Henrard

14 ) Oil on panel of a Terrier by Hubert Henrard (Belgium, 1816-1898)
An on oil on mahoghany panel of a resplendent recumbent Terrier by Hubert Henrard. Signed bottom left �Hubert Henrard� and dated 1878

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Hubert Henrard | Yr: 1878 |

Click to see full size: Terrier by Jules I Chardigny

15 ) Late 19th century oil on panel canvas of a Terrier by Jules I Chardigny (French, 1842-1892)
A late 19th century oil on panel of a head study of a parti-coloured Terrier by Jules I Chardigny (French, 1842-1892). Initialled bottom right “J.C”. French, circa 1870.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Jules Chardigny | Yr: 1870 |

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16 ) Birmingham 1947 solid silver fox terrier model dog brooch
Birmingham 1947 English hallmarked solid silver brooch or lapel badge with very realistically modelled fox terrier of generous size, and with patination. Made by Turner and Simpson.

Jewellery | Terrier | Yr: 1947 |

Click to see full size: Oil on board of a Terrier

17 ) Oil on board of a Terrier by Jules I Chardigny (1842-1892) SOLD
Oil on panel of head and shoulders study of a faithful Terrier, holding his mistresses riding crop, by Jules l Chardigny (1842-1892) This well dressed Terrier wears a blue ribbon collar with silver bell.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Jules Chardigny | Yr: 1870 |

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18 ) "In Sight at Last" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (1862 - 1942)
"In Sight at Last", 24 x 17 inches, by Herbert Thomas Dicksee. 1923, Limited edition signed artist's proofs on vellum. Lady gazing out to sea with Retriever & Terrier.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1923 |

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19 ) A pair of Terrier paintings by George Armfield Smith (1808 - 1893)SOLD
A pair of oil on canvas of Terriers by George Armfield (1808 - 1893). Provenance Richard Green Fine Art. Circa 1850 SOLD

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: George Armfield Smith | Yr: 1850 |

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20 ) A pair of Terrier paintings by George Armfield Smith (1808 - 1893). Titled as "Terriers ratting". SOLD
A pair of oil on canvas of Terriers by George Armfield (1808 - 1893). Provenance Richard Green Fine Art. Circa 1850 SOLD

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: George Armfield Smith | Yr: 1850 |

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21 )

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Samuel Alken |

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22 ) Oil on canvas of a Terrier, English school follower of George Earl
Oil on tin of a Terrier, English provincial school. English, circa 1870.

Paintings | Terrier | Yr: 1870 |

Click to see full size: Oil painting of a Terrier by George Earl

23 ) Oil painting of a Terrier school of George Earl (English, 1824-1908)
A provincial school oil on canvas of a head and shoulders study of a terrier painting. School of George Earl (English, 1824-1908). English, circa 1860.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: George Earl | Yr: 1860 |

Click to see full size: Hound and Terrier chasing a cat by Henry Thomas

24 ) Hound and Terrier chasing a cat by Henry Thomas (1785-1851)

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Henry Thomas | Yr: 1825 |

Click to see full size: Terrier Puppies by Joseph Crawhall

25 ) Terrier Puppies by Joseph Crawhall (1861-1913)
Pencil on paper signed and dated "J. Crawhall" 1876

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Joseph Crawhall | Yr: 1876 |


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Breeds' Profiles (1)

1) Terrier - Hound

Artists' Profiles (954)

1) Robert Abbett - Other | United States

2) Benno Adam - 19th Century | Germany

3) Joseph Adam - 20th Century | Scotland

4) Julius Adam - 19th Century | Germany

5) Jacques Agasse - 19th Century | France


Search Results - News/Links/Books

Search Results - Profiles: Displaying 1 to 10 from a total of 36 items

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Click to see full size: The William Walls RSA, RSW (Scottish, 1860-1942) Wire-haired Jack Russell finds a new home

1) The William Walls RSA, RSW (Scottish, 1860-1942) Wire-haired Jack Russell finds a new home

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2) "Sealyham Puppy" another Cecila Aldin miniature on display

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3) Margaret Boden and Yorkshire Terrier find new home

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4) Louis Comfort Tiffany and his Terrier "Funny" by Joaquin Sorolla (Spanish, 1863 - 1923) - See this at the Royal Academy of Arts "Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse" from 30 January to 20 April 2016

Click to see full size: Enamel Jewellery by william essex w.b ford and james bailey

5) Enamel Jewellery by William Essex, W.B Ford and and James W Bailey

Click to see full size: 1st Dibs Hamshere Gallery Banner

6) Hamshere Gallery joins 1st Dibs - Find us by searching Hamshere Gallery at www.1stdibs.com.

Click to see full size: “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” feature the Mannerhead Poodles by F T Daws

7) “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” - “Poodle Variety April -May 2015 . Color Issue” feature the Mannerhead Poodles by F T Daws

Click to see full size: reverse intaglio crystal / Essex crystal Victorian game bird cufflinks

8) “Huntin’, Shooting’ and Fishin’“ Antique Explorer February 2014

Click to see full size: Our Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (1864-1949) finds new friend

9) Our Arthur Wardle finds new friend

Click to see full size: Antique Explorer Issue 152 February 2014

10) Antique Explorer February 2014- "Totally Bona Fido" by Margaret Gaskin - Antiques/Collectables/Interiors Your National Guide to the Best UK Antiques Fairs



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Last Updated: 11:26 PM Mon 11 Nov 2024

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